Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mid-recession binge lifts retail sales temporarily


During January, there was the biggest rise in sales ever since July 2006, in Canada. This noteworthy rise doesn’t mean the trend will still follow. The population was just stocking up on cheap Christmas goodies, rather than having increased confidence in shopping. Consumers are shopping for their necessities mostly. Food retailers are doing better than the other retailers like clothing. A lot of the businesses have to change their prices and inventories to follow along with the recession. Businesses dealing with auto parts are doing fairly well. As for furniture, home electronics, and buildings, these retailers are having a hard time getting through this economy recession.


This article relates to both Chapter 11 and Chapter 15. First of all, Chapter 11 is about merchandising businesses. A merchandising business is a business that buys goods and sells them at a profit. In our article, it talks about retailers, which are merchandising businesses, struggling through the recession. Each of these retailers sells merchandise, and the quantity of merchandise on hand is known as merchandise inventory. Due to the poor economy, fewer consumers are spending money, causing the businesses to have a drop in gross profit, and leaving more inventories. Second, this is related to the inventory turnover ratio in Chapter 15. With less cost of goods sold, and more average merchandise inventory, since sales are not going well, the inventory turnovers for companies would be fairly low. With low turnovers, it means that businesses aren’t able to sell and replace its inventories in one year that much.


With the fall in the economy, it is understandable that consumers would try to spend less. Nation wide, people are losing jobs, and incomes are disappearing. With less income, there is less money to spend, and then retail sales drop. It is like a cycle. To break this cycle, I think that employers have to stop lying off their employees. If they kept their employees, who are also consumers, then they would have more money to spend. In return, merchandise businesses will not lose sales. Also, I have realized a lot of prices are going up. My mother has been complaining about how expensive the food is now. With increased prices, it is making harder for consumers to purchase products. Hopefully, this recession will end soon.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jobless claims up 16.2% in year to December

Chapter 16 Blog

With the economy declining, many jobs are being taken away, leaving many citizens unemployed. In December 2008, the number of Canadians receiving Employment Insurance benefits rose 16.2%, compared to December 2007. There could be more unemployment coming in our future. Most of the jobs lost were full time positions, causing more and more people to rely on Employment Insurance. Even though the percentage seems quite high, “Canada is coming out of a period of near-record-low employment.” (Mr.Shenfeld) This increase of unemployment falls nationwide, with British Columbia ranking first with the most increase of Employment Insurance recipients.

In the article it talks about how more and more people are claiming their Employment Insurance benefits. Employment Insurance is the connection to Chapter 16. Canadian employees all have to contribute a portion of their earnings towards their Employment Insurance fund. This deduction is made on every paycheque they make. This fund is only available when the person is unemployed. They have to be willing and be able to accept employment, then that person is entitled to receive Employment Insurance benefit. The unemployed person will then receive a bi-weekly payment every month until they have a job again.

Even though it’s expected that many jobs will be lost, people will be unemployed through the economic crisis, I never imagined the increase would be so extreme. I’m also glad there is an Employment Insurance fund because if there was never one, and so many are unemployed now, many people will be having really hard times to get through their life. I think the government should work on a project to keep prevent more layoffs, or to provide more job opportunities. It is very hard to find jobs now and people’s fund won’t be able to last them that long unless they have been working for years.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Small business owners falling through credit cracks


Here, in the article, it talks about how our Canadian government is dealing with the loans for many small business entrepreneurs. Many small business owners rely on loans to sustain the company. Now that the world’s economy is plunging, many companies are suffering, and losing their jobs. A situation is shown regarding an entrepreneur, Mr. Abbott, of a logging business. With the economic downturn, Mr. Abbott won’t be receiving much business until summer, meaning he won’t be able to pay his government-backed loan. He asked his bank if he could repay the loan just a few months later, but the government refused.


This relates to Chapter 15 indirectly. In 15.1, the textbook talks about the people who look use the financial statements, and why. Insiders and outsiders read the financial statement to determine if the business will be able to repay the loan. Two aspects would be looking at their profitability; and their worth and marketability of assets. In the situation in our article, the bank must have looked at Mr. Abbott’s assets before issuing the loan. Now that Mr Abbott will be having trouble to pay back the loan, the bank will have to take his assets, his truck.


With the global economy falling, I think that the banks and government should go easier on small business loans. The banks should know with such bad factors now a day, it is definitely hard for small businesses to make a profit. For Mr. Abbott’s case, I think they should have just agreed to let Mr. Abbott pay the interests still, but lay off the actual monthly payments for a few more months. The bank and government has enough money already, so receiving fewer payments wouldn’t affect much. I believe that the government should put some effort into creating a solution for this credit crisis.